
The incorporation of a music program is necessary for the children to receive a well-rounded education. Music classes are held once a week for Kinder 2 classes and twice a week for Kinder 3.

The lessons are designed to help develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of musical concepts, musical theory, rhythm and beat. The general aims of the program are:

to learn about different kinds of musical instruments and the sounds they make through hands on exploration
to provide a means of self-expression
to develop a sense of rhythm, musical perception, imagination and the ability to memorize musical content.
  • Music
  • Music
  • Music

From Kinder 2 level the children will be taught how to use the pianica (see the top left photo). Toward the end of their year in Kinder 3 they will participate in a music performance at the Summer Concert.

In the performance the children will play a melody together using musical instruments, demonstrating their musical ability and teamwork skills.


If you have any question or concerns please feel free to contact us. Please fill out the form to request additional information about our program.